Saturday 24 July at 10.00, in the historic setting of the ancient Caffè degli Specchi, in Piazza dell’Unità d’Italia in Trieste, an important event will be held that establishes the result of a great synergy in the creation of a technological solution that improves the safety and autonomy of people with visual impairments in the urban environment and beyond.

The Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired begins its second century of life and activity, “looking” to the future and will therefore sign a partnership agreement in the LETIsmart project, together with SCEN, the company that oversaw its implementation. This merger takes place after five years of development and testing to give people with visual and motor disabilities an information and interaction solution in the complex urban environment, by the precise will of the creator Marino Attini, visually impaired, expert in electronic technologies, who has always carried out his idea without any profit, but with the sole aim of improving people’s autonomy.

The creator Marino Attini, the UICI National President Mario Barbuto with all the National Management, the SCEN President Diego Bertocchi, political and institutional representatives, who have been protagonists of this goal in various ways, will be present.

At the end of the ceremony, there will be a practical demonstration of the innovative solution which the city of Trieste was the first to adopt on the entire municipal area, a solution that today is rapidly spreading, with excellent results, to many other urban centers throughout Italy.