The Accessible Smart City

LETIsmart can be simply installed in the traffic light network of pedestrian sound crossings integrated inside the pushbutton panel. The user will be able to access the list of nearby crossings and have an acoustic signal he is interested in or activate the booking using the white can.

Bus Stops
Thanks to LETIsmart, at the request of users, the bus stops emit an acoustic signal so that they can be reached easily. In addition, the system lists the lines that pass through that stop.

Public Offices
Public buildings with many counters can become accessible by introducing LETIsmart tags at the entrance and near every office, as well as near the emergency exits.

The bidirectional communication allows the user to receive the audio information from the handle of the white can or minipocket regarding the number of the arriving taxi. Guided on board through the sound of the radio tag mounted inside the vehicle.

Shops, Restaurants, Bar, etc.
Individual businesses, chains or shopping centers can map their presence by installing tags that identify the name and type of business. If activated by the user, they emit an acoustic signal to guide people with visual impairments to the entrance or inside the building.

With LETIsmart it is possible to signal in advance your presence at the bus stop so that the driver stops and pays attention and in case activates the platform for wheelchairs.

Work in progress
The public administration and private individuals who undertake work that hinder normal mobility, can install construction site lamps complete with acoustic signals that indicate the danger to blind or visually impaired people.

Train Station
LETIsmart can be installed in key points of train and bus stations. You can choose the place of interest and have it emitted an acoustic signal to reach it safely and easily.

LETIsmart can make complex environments such as those of the underground network become accessible, signaling turnstiles, ticket offices, stairs and direction of stations.

The entrances of the underpasses can be mapped by LETIsmart tags, which will produce an acoustic signal once identified and activated by the handle of the white cane or by the minipoket.
Thanks to a network of radio tags that are easy to install and distributed in strategic points, the smart city communicates to the most fragile categories: blind, visually impaired and mobility impaired people.
For visually impaired people, a simple modification to the white cane they already use allows them to move independently in the streets, use means of transportation and use public offices. The same system allows the physically disabled person to move easily using the public transport network. It is a simple solution for citizens and administrators.
The Network of Signalers
The first step is to install a network of radio tags in strategic points of the city and on public transport. The tags will be able to communicate with the personal devices of citizens who need them and emit an acoustic signal to be identified.
In the city, a network of radio tags is installed at points useful for orientation such as the traffic light of a pedestrian crossing, a public transport stop, a construction site that hinders movement, the entrance to a public building, etc. These tags send over radio frequencies, within a radius of 50m, a message that characterizes them, such as “Pedestrian crossing of Cesare Battisti Street”, “Stop of lines 8, 10, 15 direction Francesco Crispi Street”, “Attention construction site Giosué Carducci street”, “Registry Office Entry”.
The Smart Handle
The alarms can be activated by a portable personal device, small, light, easy to use even by elderly people and without specific know-how.
The white cane handle already in use by the visually impaired people is replaced by a handle that contains a microcircuit weighing only 11.5 g. This simple high-tech device receives messages from radio tags and communicates them via a loudspeaker, letting the visually impaired people understand what is around them and allowing them to orient theirself. The white cane is now also able to connect to the radio tag which will emit a sound precisely identifying its position, so that you can reach it.
The device is also distributed loose then not mounted on white cane of visually impaired people, it can be carried in the pocket and used by the elderly, people in wheelchairs or anyone who needs guidance and help in using public transport.
Special radio tags are installed on public transport which, in addition to transmitting the number and direction of the transport line, allow the visually impaired people who are waiting for the vehicle to book the stop. In addition to this they emit a custom sound that guides him to the entrance of the bus when he arrives at the stop. The same system also works for taxis.
Find out how it works LETIsmart VOCE
- Improve Autonomy
- Improve Security
- Provides Directions
- No Technical Knowledge is Required
- Available in Multiple Languages